Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Somebody else's address

The other day my wife was flipping through our mail as we were driving home from work, and we got our 2008 Voter Information Pamphlet. I love getting these, because the first thing I do is check to see if anyone has introduced a bill saying that Manly Candle Companies will get a huge stimulus check. FYI: We don't. If Obama or McCain want my vote, they're going to have to at least consider it.

Anyway, my wife says, "We got the pamphlets, but they're not addressed to us."

I say, "Who are they addressed to?"

She says, "Some guy named Al."

I say, "Let me see that."

That's when I saw it. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Go ahead and check out the picture of the address.

...scroll down...

...scroll down...

Don't tell my wife I posted this, she'll kill me!


Anonymous said...

This is unrelated to this blog post... which was funny by the way. (If my hubs ever posted a story like this on his blog he'd be dead.)

You should put a link back to the Manly Man Candle Company in the margin of your blog - so it will be easily accessible... I can't get back to the shopping site!! Halp!

Just kidding, I'm sure I'll find a link somewheres around here...

Anonymous said...

GOOD GOD, TELL ME SHE WAS KIDDING! I started laughing so hard i got to coughing and thought i was gonna keel over. glad I didn't. There she goes making me laugh again...