Wednesday, December 10, 2008


In a former life I was the guy who took raw data and turned it into charts that were easily understandable. It was really, really stimulating. Okay, not really. I wish I had seen these pie charts back then, because I would have snuck them into my presentations just to see if anyone was paying attention.

Perhaps I'll make some charts about Manly Candles...


Anonymous said...

You had pie? Why you not share the pie?

Michele said...

It's been quite a while since you last posted...I am missing the laughs, man! C'mon, this girl needs a little "manly man" for the new year! :0

Bike Shop Man said...

I'm finally back, Michele! I've been busy, but I have a bunch of manly topics scheduled to post in the merry month of January- Thanks for the comment!