Friday, July 25, 2008


Before we go any further, I want to thank a few people for helping to make today, July 25th, an amazing day.

First, thank you to my friend Brett who was there from the very beginnings of Manly Man Candle Company. Manly Man Candle Company wouldn't exist without you.

Thank you to my family who never hesitates to help when asked (or even when not asked).

Thank you to my brother Blaine who sold the candles to local stores. You are brilliant and inspirational.

Thank you to David at who bought one of the candles my brother sold and wrote about us in his great blog. You're getting some free candles, buddy.

Thank you to Matt Austin, his cameraman, and KRTV for coming out and doing a tv segment about us. They read about Manly Man Candle Company on David's blog and decided it would be a good story. Matt is a great guy and a true professional... You can tell that he is bound for greatness.

Thank you to every network and station who picked the story up. I was blown away.

I could go on and on, but you get the picture. Now let's get back to the goofiness.


david said...

This is awesome -- everyone wins -- you, me, KRTV, etc.

Good job!

ViperSBT said...

Brother, if it were me on my own I don't think I would have ever made the first Manly Candle. But, thanks to you and your belief and encouragement we were able to change the world and bring happiness to men everywhere. Keep up the good work!
